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Back in the mid-1980s, Sears sold a line of Disney-related jewelry, including several pieces made of sterling silver. This one is of Goofy wearing a pink shirt, blue pants, a bare-metal (silver) vest and belt, and holding his hat (which is blue rather than the more usual green).
Like the other pins in the series, it came in a "velvet" box which identified the pin as being sterling silver. The brooch-style back is marked "© DISNEY" and "S/S" (a common abbreviation for sterling silver), to confirm that they are made of real silver. Some pins in the series are marked "STERLING" rather than "S/S."
The pins are quite thin and are, for the most part, covered with enamel paint in what appears to be a cloisinne process; the Goofy pin, however, contains quite a bit of unpainted surface, including Goofy's whole head and neck.
Others pins which were part of this series include (PinPics #15048), (PinPics #16684), and (PinPics #16685).
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