Front Description
I acquired this pin some years back from a friend with an extensive ProPin collection. It is of The Sultan from Aladdin, and while similar to pin #6806, it differs in a few respects. On this pin, The Sultan is looking up and to the left; on #6806, he is looking down and to the right. His hat on this pin is much rounder and less puffier than on #6806. The feather is a darker blue, and the jewel holding it is less detailed. His mouth is also open a bit more.
The pin came on a card that reads "Disneys Movie-Stars" (note the lack of an apostrophe), which is written in red, orange and yellow on a dark blue background with bright yellow stars. The pin itself is in a smaller area towards the center of the card that is all white. "© Disney" is written in red on the bottom right corner of the card. There is nothing on the back. The pin and card are concealed in a small plastic bag, sealed by a sticker that reads as follows:
ProPin :)
Promotion, Pins & more
BäckerstraBe 74
D-32423 Minden
[Telephone symbol]0571/85241 [Fax symbol]0571/84698
Several of my ProPins still in the baggies had stickers similar to this, as well. Even more interesting is the pin's backstamp, as it is upside down! It reads:
(02) 251-5321
The pin has one post with one nub. It is on black metal, with what appears to be an epoxy coating (though I'm no expert). Smooth back. The pin is 1 1/8" tall by 7/8" wide, while the card is 2 5/16" tall by 1 7/16" wide.
Other pins in this series include: #73984, #26106, and #35422. They all share the same number "upside down" on the back.
Back Description