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PP75221    ProPin - Beauty and the Beast - Beast Full Body

Front Description

This is the Beast Full Body pin from set #9396. Its listing indicates that the full body Beast pin in the set is #939, but this is not true. While similar in artwork, that pin is on gold metal, is enamel cloisonné, and features Beast with blue eyes (but no pupils). This pin, on the other hand, is on black metal, has a layer of epoxy like most ProPins, and Beast's eyes are colored brown. That last bit probably had to do with the pin's size, 1 1/16" high by 1 5/16" wide. Both pins have different


Those who have pin #939 listed on their owns/wants/trades lists might want to double check that that's the one you were really looking for.


Note: The picture here makes it look as though there is a crease in the Beast's left pant leg, going from his knee to his thigh; actually this is just a scratch on my particular pin, for which I apologize.

Back Description

Black waffle pattern, single post w/ barb, Propin Germany, ©Disney

9 Linked Pins

  1. ProPin - Belle Profile - Beauty and the Beast
  2. ProPin - Beast Face - Beauty and the Beast
  3. ProPin - Flirting Lumiere candelabra - Beauty and the Beast
  4. ProPin - Belle in Gold Ball Gown
  5. ProPin - Lumiere with hat and walking stick - Beauty and the Beast
  6. ProPin - Cogsworth Giggling - Beauty and the Beast
  7. ProPin - Gold Beast Profile
  8. ProPin - Beauty and the Beast (9 Pin Set)
  9. ProPin - Mrs Potts and Chip
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