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PP75279    Walt Disney Quotes - Booster Collection

Front Description

This Open Edition pin collection contains four (4) pins featuring quotes from Walt Disney. The pins include:


 Today we are the shapers of the world tomorrow -Walt Disney

 Happiness is a state of mind -Walt Disney - Kermit the Frog

 Why do we have to grow up? -Walt Disney - Mickey Mouse

I get red, white, and blue at times -Walt Disney - Mickey Mouse



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4 Linked Pins

  1. Walt Disney Quotes - Today we are the shapers of the world tomorrow - Booster
  2. Kermit - Walt Disney Quotes - Happiness is a state of mind - Booster
  3. Mickey - Walt Disney Quotes - Why do we have to grow up? - Booster
  4. Mickey - Walt Disney Quotes - 'I get red, white, and blue at times' - Booster
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