Front Description
I received this from the designer and a Cast Member for Disney Direct Marketing who worked there from 1997-2001. This is a prototype of an award pin which was never put into production. There is also a larger, elongated quarter prototype of this pin. There are three prototypes for material and design, brass, copper, and pewter. This pin was meant to be used once a Cast Member received 25 positive guest letters. As of late 2008 it appears that this pin may have been put into limited production back in 2005, however, there is no information to substantiate whether it was ever awarded or how many exist. The Call Center at which this was a described as an award pin closed in 2005.
[23 Jan 2009 comment: This pin PP67323 is the size of an elongated dime - the prototype is the size of an elongated quarter. The pictures scale the same for display, so it's misleading. I inquired of the owner of the prototype, and they indicated that award pins would indeed be the smaller size.]