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PP77819    HKDL - Donald as Waiter serving Daisy - Night Banquet

Front Description

This pin shows Donald as a waiter bringing Daisy a soda cup with a straw. The cup has M M on it. Donald is wearing dress pants, a vest and a bow tie. Daisy is in a yellow dress. This pin seems to be number eight in a set. Pin #71209 seems to be number 7.

It was sold at Hong Kong Disneyland. There is a jewel at the top of the pin.

Table and glitter for search purposes

Back Description

Official Pin Trading 2009 , Disneyland HONG KONG, © Disney

6 Linked Pins

  1. HKDL Mickey & Friends night banquet Jumbo Pin
  2. HKDL - Mickey & Minnie With a Car - Mickey & Friends Night Banquet
  3. HKDL - Donald & Daisy buy Gifts - Mickey & Friends Night Banquet
  4. HKDL Mickey & Friends night banquet --- Mickey and Minnie having dinner
  5. HKDL - Mickey and Minnie go Shopping - Mickey & Friends Night Banquet
  6. HKDL - Minnie and Mickey Mouse - FAB4 Night Banquet - Sitting at the Bar
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