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PP7905    Laughing Thumper

Front Description

It is Thumper, the grey/gray rabbit from Bambi, lying on his back with his feet in the air and having a good open mouth laugh! One tooth is showing in front. Gold pin.


The back has a gold waffle pattern. The 2002 ODPT Logo, "Thumper", "Bambi", "©Disney" and "China" are written in a box on the back.


backstamp: Disney Official Pin Trading Logo 2002, Thumper Bambi, © Disney, China. (2006 also reported)


It's 1 3/8" wide and 1" high.


Disney has re-released this pin in 2012. The 2012 edition has the cheek, the belly and area around the eye are all the same color. The back is vastly different. The 2012 edition has a pebble finish with the 2002 ODPT Logo on one side of the post with "Thumper", "Bambi", "©Disney" and "China" written on the other side. Unlike the original there is no box surrounding the writing.


The original is noticeably thicker than the 2012. Almost 2:1.


2012 SKU: 400011143138

Back Description


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