Front Description
This open-edition pin was released at WDW on 5 Dec 2001 on and in honor of Walt Disney's 100th Birthday. It is black with an orange WD in Walt font at the top. Orange leaves run up the side. The center contains a photo of Walt Disney under an epoxy dome. On the bottom left is Mickey, with hands clasped (pin-on-pin element), gazing up at Walt. Along the bottom, it says "December 5, 1901" and "The Man and His Dreams."
It was a last-minute decision to release this OE pin as Walt's 100th birthday tribute. PP8473 was originally supposed to be released on 5 Dec 2001; but, three days before it was due to hit the racks, it was decided to actually release the LE7500 "birthday pin" at the Downtown Disney CHRISTMASTIME IN THE CITY pin event on 15 Dec 2001. In its stead, this OE 2002 pin was pulled forward and released on 5 Dec 2001 as Walt's birthday pin.
On 5 Dec 2001, when the park opened, these pins were on the racks. Before noon, the pin was completely sold out. However, this pin was kept in stock for at least four years, so backstamps of 2002 (the original), 2003, 2004, and 2005 are available.
Back Description
Gold sandblasted pebble finish. Single pin post. Official Pin Trading 2002 logo, ©Disney, MADE IN CHINA.