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PP8488    DL - Goofy Gingerbread House - Christmas Parade - Float

Front Description

Goofy is out in front of a gingerbread house with saw horses and lots of icing. Max is sitting on top of the house and looks like he's waiting for Dad to pass the decorations This is a large pin, measuring about 3" (7.7 cm) by 2 3/4" (7.0 cm).


Gingerbread Set #8426, Gingerbread Girl #35105, Gingerbread Boy #26453, Reindeer #8408, Aladdin Float #8420, Chip & Dale Float #8421, Toy Shop Float #8487, Goofy Float #8488

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Linked Pins

  1. DL - Dancing Reindeer - Christmas Parade
  2. DL - Aladdin, Jasming and Genie - Christmas Parade - Float
  3. DL - Chip and Dale - Christmas Parade - Float
  4. DL - Gingerbread Girl and Boy - Christmas Parade Gingerbread - Set
  5. DL - Pinocchio - Toy Shop - Christmas Parade - Float
  6. DL - Gingerbread Boy - Christmas Parade
  7. DL - Gingerbread Girl - Christmas Parade
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