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Box of 16 press event pins given out on 12/5/01 at WDW.
The complete set came in a black cardboard box. The top of the box has Walt and Mickey in the "partners" pose and has a quote from Walt Disney - "Somehow I can't believe there are many heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true". The top flips open to show the Sorcerer's Hat and a window display with Tinker Bell and the "Mickey painting" 100 Years of Magic Walt Disney World logo and the dates October 1, 2001-December 31, 2002. The picture of these pins is how they look when the top is removed.
The names of the pins included are: Centennial, Aladdin, Animal Kingdom, Millionaire, Primeval Whirl, Playhouse Disney, One Mans Dream, 30th Anniversary, Pop Century Resort, Stars & Motor Cars Parade, Jamin Jungle Parade, Tricera Top Spin, Share a Dream Come True, Story Behind the Magic, Tapestry of Dreams, and the Sorcerers Hat.
Set #8525, #8461, #8462, #8463, #8474, #9403, #10519, #10557, #11782, #11783, #11784, #11785, #11786, #11787, #11788, #11789
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