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PP8676    DS - Mickey - Ontario - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams

Front Description

This is #100 of the 100 Years of Dreams pin series from the DS for Ontario.


Each state, US territory and Canadian province that had a DS at the time (Dec. 2001) had one. They all feature Mickey Mouse standing behind a star with the individual state's flag in it and the name of the state in a gold banner at the bottom.


According to a CM source, there were between 1000 and 1152 of these pins for sale.


Ontario #8676, Nova Scotia #8675, New Brunswick #8674, Manitoba #8673, British Columbia #8672, Alberta #8671

Back Description


18 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Zebra - Serengeti Caravan Camp
  2. DS - Mickey - Texas - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  3. DS - Mickey - Nebraska - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  4. DS - Mickey - Tennessee - 100 Years of Dreams - Flag Star
  5. DS - Wisconsin Flag - 100 Years of Dreams #100
  6. DS - Mickey - Alberta - Canada Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  7. DS - Mickey - British Columbia - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  8. DS - Mickey - Manitoba - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  9. DS - Mickey - New Brunswick - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  10. DS - Mickey - Nova Scotia - Canada - Flag - 100 Years of Dreams
  11. Magical Musical Moments - Jingle Bells
  12. Disney Auctions - Pre Production Proof Nebraska YoD #100 flag
  13. AP/PP DS - Texas - Pre-Production Proof Plate - Texas State
  14. AP/PP DS - Tennessee - Pre-Production Proof Plate - State
  15. AP/PP DS - New Brunswick - Pre-Production Proof Plate
  16. AP/PP DS - British Columbia - Pre-Production Proof Plate
  17. 100 Years of Dreams State Series #100 Florida (Pre-Production Proof)
  18. AP/PP DS - Wisconsin - PP - 100 Years of Dreams State Series - Pre Production Proof
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