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PP8885    DLP - Mickey Mouse (Italy/Ciao)

Front Description

This pin was released at Disneyland Paris. Mickey is holding a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. He is pulling out a strand of spagetti to spell out "ciao". The Italian flag hangs in the background.


There are 6 different pins in this european series: France, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Netherlands


Pins in this series include: #8881, #8882, #8883, #8884, #8885, #8886.


Back Description


5 Linked Pins

  1. DLP - Mickey Mouse (France/Bonjour)
  2. DLP - Mickey Mouse (England/Hello)
  3. DLP - Mickey Mouse (Spain/Hola)
  4. DLP - Mickey Mouse (Germany/Hallo)
  5. DLP - Mickey Mouse (Netherlands/Dag)
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