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PP8951    Goofy - Golden State Holiday 2001

Front Description

From the 2001 Golden State Holiday Pin set (#8415) -- Goofy, wearing a two-tasseled ski hat, a green duffel over his shoulder, and carrying a stack of five more duffel bags or luggage/baggage.


Set #8415, #8947, #8948, #8949, #8950, #8951, #8952.

Back Description

Silver waffle pattern, single post w/ barb, ©DISNEY, CHINA

6 Linked Pins

  1. Golden State Holiday 2001 Pin Set
  2. Mickey and Minnie - Golden State Holiday 2001
  3. Daisy - Golden State Holiday 2001
  4. Donald - Golden State Holiday 2001
  5. Pluto - Golden State Holiday 2001
  6. Snowman - Golden State Holiday 2001
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