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PP9157    DS - Return to Neverland Storybook Set

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This is the Return to Neverland Storybook pin set from the DS. It has two pins, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. It comes in a box that looks like a book. On the spine of the box it is noted that this is Volume 5.


Peter Pan and Tinker Bell in flying pose, they are in a box that looks like a book with their outline cut out of the front cover so you can see them when the box is shut, it has a picture of Jane on the front cover and outline shadows of the lost boys on the inside cover.


Set #9157, Peter #9158, Tinker Bell #9159.

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2 Linked Pins

  1. DS - Peter Pan - Return to Neverland Storybook
  2. DS - Tinker Bell - Return to Neverland Storybook
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