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PP9243    Aladdin Cast Boxed Set (5 Pins)

Front Description

Cast member set of 5 pins: Jasmine and Aladdin riding on Carpet (#9242), Genie (#9241), Sultan (#9240), Abu with the Lamp (#3827), and Jafar with Iago (#1686).


These pins were released at Disney Studios when the film was released. Also sold to cast members at DLR. They came in a small, square, clear plastic type case with a blue foam backing.


The backs are stamped copyright Disney Taiwan.

Back Description


6 Linked Pins

  1. Aladdin Film Premiere Cast Boxed Set (Jafar & Iago)
  2. Aladdin and Jasmine on Magic Carpet
  3. Aladdin Film Premiere Cast Boxed Set (Abu the Monkey)
  4. Aladdin Cast Boxed Set (Sultan)
  5. Aladdin Cast Boxed Set (Genie)
  6. Aladdin Cast Boxed Set (Jasmine and Aladdin on Carpet)
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