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PP9365    WDW - Mickey Mouse - 30th Anniversary - Eyes and Ears Series #1 - Cast

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Taken from the January 24th issue of Eyes & Ears:



The first pin in a new series of Cast-exclusive Eyes & Ears pins will

debut on Jan. 25 at 9:30 a.m. at Company D.


The first pin will commemorate the 30th anniversary of Eyes & Ears,

which distributed its first issue prior to opening day of the Magic

Kingdom Park in 1971.


The remainder of the series will include 11 pins representing the

different Eyes & Ears banner designs that have been displayed

through the years on the front page of the Cast-exclusive news

publication. One pin from the series will be released each month.


Each pin, limited to an edition of 3000, costs $7.00 plus tax.

(Correction by Ency, the pin sold for $6.50 plus tax when asked why

the increase from the $5.00 price the cast use to pay for the pins,

I was told that merchandise management wanted to increase the

price to better reflect the price paid by the guests in the parks.)


Cast Members and certain other employees at the Walt Disney

World Resort with valid IDs may buy as many as 2 of these

pins during the two weeks of sales.


Visit Company D for details.


Just to help out collectors: since it is always difficult to scan silver you can not see the words on the black banner. They are "Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Eyes & Ears".

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