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PP9382    ProPin - Donald Duck Set #1

Front Description

This is a 9 Pin ProPin Set from Germany of Donald Duck. It is the first of two sets.


Featured are: Donald with green mallot (1980), Donald lifting weights (7792), Donald as Plumber (7793), Donald and Daisy (1644), Donald Head (1163), Donald on couch (6059), Huey (7784), Dewey (7786), and Louie (7783).


Set #9382, #1163, #1644, #1980, #6059, #7783, #7784, #7786, #7792, #7793

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15 Linked Pins

  1. ProPin - Donald Duck - Head
  2. ProPin - Donald Duck, Daisy Duck - Sipping Soda
  3. ProPin - Donald with a Mallet
  4. Donald and Daisy Sipping Soda (Color Variation)
  5. Donald Duck's Face
  6. Donald Duck Head
  7. Propin - Donald - Tired Out On Chair
  8. ProPin - Huey Running
  9. ProPin - Louie Sitting with Football
  10. ProPin - Louie sitting with football - color variation
  11. ProPin - Huey Running - color variation
  12. ProPin - Dewey Playing Tennis
  13. ProPin - Donald Weightlifter
  14. ProPin - Donald as a Plumber - Repairing Water
  15. Donald face
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