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PP9470    DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set

Front Description

This box set contains 5 pins of Mickey. One pin for every day of the week (Monday through Friday) that followed the Mickey Mouse Club TV Show.


Individual pins in this set include: #16393, #16394, #16395, #16396, #16397.

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5 Linked Pins

  1. DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set (Monday)
  2. DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set (Tuesday)
  3. DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set (Wednesday)
  4. DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set (Thursday)
  5. DLR - Mickey Mouse Club Days of the Week Boxed Set (Friday)
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