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PP9471    DLR - Pirates of the Caribbean - Memorable Scenes - Jail Scene

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This dangle pin is the 1st of 4 pins to be released in the Pirates of the Caribbean Memorable Scenes Series. This pin features the Jail Scene, but is not of the Disney characters, but the actual pirates from the ride. The dangle portion of the pin reads Disneyland. Depicts Audio Animatron characters from the ride. Banner above is layered on the pin 3-D style.


series: jail #9471, mercado #9472, Mayor #10657, Redhead #11240

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3 Linked Pins

  1. DLR - Pirates of the Caribbean - Memorable Scenes - Mercado Auction
  2. DLR - Pirates of the Caribbean - Memorable Scenes - Dunking the Mayor
  3. DLR - Pirates of the Caribbean - Memorable Scenes - The Redhead - Bride
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