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PP9482    WDW - Aurora - Princess Ball Event Princess #1

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This is the first in a series of 6 Princess pins released during the Magic Kingdom Princess Ball Event. Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) is the Princess and she is in a Pink gown in front of her castle.


Each of the Princess pins are a new design, and you can actually feel the ripples and jewels in the Princesses gowns when you run your fingers across them.


The artist is Michelle Morrow and she signed some of these pins.

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15 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - Ariel - Princess Ball Event Princess #6
  2. DLRP - Princess Series (Ariel in Wedding Gown)
  3. DLP - Princess Series (Ariel)
  4. DLP - Princess Series (Aurora)
  5. DLP - Princess Series (Belle)
  6. DLP - Princess Series (Cinderella)
  7. DLP - Princess Series (Jasmine)
  8. DLP - Princess Series (Snow White)
  9. DLRP - Princesses 2003 (Snow White)
  10. DLRP - Princesses 2003 - Aurora
  11. DLRP - Princesses 2003 - Jasmine
  12. DLRP - New Princesses 2006 - 4 Pin Set - Aurora
  13. Target - Jasmine - standing
  14. Target - Princess Sparkle Dress Series - Aurora
  15. Target - Princess Sparkle Dress Series - Cinderella
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