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PP9623    Disney's AAA Club of the Year (1999)

Front Description

1" epoxy coated Round pin. has a gold metal outer ring. 2nd ring is red with white lettering which says Disney's 1999 AAA Club of the year. inner circle has the Fab 5 in a red car driving on a road. green hill in back ground. Disney on back.


This pin was awarded, annually, to a California AAA staff wich shows great Disney spirit (in promoting trips to Disneyland).

Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2002)
  2. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2005)
  3. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2003)
  4. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2004)
  5. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2000)
  6. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2001)
  7. Disney's AAA Club of the Year (2006)
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