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PP9644    FDNY - American Hero (Donald with Gray Hat)

Front Description

This rectangular pin features Donald Duck sitting on a blue, red and white sort of flag. He is dressed as usual but has a fireman's helmet on which is written '"FDNY". He doesn't look very happy (as usual) . At the top of the pin is written American Hero. it says "(c) Disney" in the back of the pin.


Variations on this pin are:

#8953 - Green Hat

#9643 - Brown Hat

#9644 - Gray (grey) Hat

#10570 - Peach Hat


Back Description


4 Linked Pins

  1. FDNY - American Hero (Donald with Green Hat)
  2. FDNY - American Hero (Donald with Brown Hat)
  3. FDNY - American Hero (Donald with Peach Fireman Hat)
  4. Bootleg - FDNY - American Hero (Donald with Different Hat Colors)
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