Front Description
Winnie the Pooh sits facing forward in this bubble pin that has a glitter effect. Pooh is wearing a large watermelon as a hat on his head and green shorts. Between his hands Pooh holds a piece of sliced watermelon. Whole watermelons, red watermelon slices and yellow watermelon slices surround Pooh. The pin background is light blue. Pin measures 1 inch diameter. Printed on the lower inside of the bubble is "©Disney. Based on the 'Winnie the Pooh' works Copyright A. A. Milne and E. H. Shephard."
Characters in series: All Pooh in different fruit costumes: Grapes, Watermelon, Pear, Strawberry, Cantaloupe, Lemon, Strawberry Watermelon and Pear on a single pin, Watermelon face close up, Strawberry face close up, all 6 fruits on one pin.
Set: #128037, #98306, #90703, #76279, #61621, #61617, #12998, #163334.
Back Description
White plastic. 1 post (center). 1 barb. No nubs.