WDW - Walt Disney and Mickey - Partners Statue - Cinderella Castle
Gladstone Gander Stick Pin Blue
Disney Gallery - Pooh's Adventure Framed Set
DLP - Aprils Fools Day 2002 (Goofy)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event Blind Auction Lot #1 (Whimsical Animals Framed Pin Set)
WDW - Mickey's Trade Parade Floats - AP - Framed Set
WDW - Animal Kingdom - AP - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - 100 Years of Magic Celebration Framed Pin Set
WDW - Animal Kingdom - AP - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - Countdown to 100 Years of Magic Framed Pin Set
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (King Abu & Iago Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (King Leonidas & Secretary Bird Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Lambert the Sheepish Lion Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Scar & Zazu Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Heave Hippoo-Ho Framed Pin Set)
WDW - Walt Disney and Mickey - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - Animal Kingdom - Dinosaur
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event Artist Choice (Dinosaurs)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Primeval Whirl) Donald Duck
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Festival of the Lion King)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Dino-Rama!)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Dino-Whamma!)
WDW - Tarzan Rocks - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (TriceraTop Spin with Mickey)
WDW - Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama - Boxed Set
Pluto Sedesma SA
Tinker Bell Letter N Name Pin
Tinker Bell Letter 'I' Name Pin
Pawing Tigger with Black Nose
Disney Auctions - The Best of Friends 2002 (FAB 6)
DLR - Private Pluto (Chip & Dale)
DLR - April Fool's Day 2002 (Chip & Dale)
DLR - April Fool's Day 2002 (Donald & Pluto)
DCA - Extreme Soarin’ (Max)
DLP - Easter 2002 (Piglet)
DLP - Easter 2002 (Tigger)
DLP - Easter 2002 (Pooh)
DLRP - Easter 2002 (Minnie Painting A Special Egg)
DLP - Joyeuses Pâques (Mickey w/Baby Chick)
WDW - Toronto Maple Leafs
Bootleg - Alice And The Looking Glass w/ Cheshire Cat - O.M.
Disney Auctions - Easter 2002 (Pooh & Tigger)