DL - Chip n Dale - AP - Riding Surf Board
Dopey Model Sheet Framed Pin Set
Jiminy Cricket - Model Sheet - Framed 3 Pin Set
JDS - Beauty and the Beast - Portrait & Easel
WDW - Mickey Mouse - 75 Years With Mickey - Passholder Exclusive
WDW - Tinker Bell - February - 50 Years of Tinker Bell Series Pin #2
Cast ID Lanyard - Mickey's Head
Disney Auctions - Ariel and Eric - Little Mermaid - Valentines Day
Disney Auctions - Snow White and Price Florian - Valentines Day
Disney Auctions - Valentine's Day 2003 Pin Set #2 (Belle & Beast)
Disney Auctions - Valentine's Day 2003 Pin Set #2 (Set of 3 Pair)
Aladdin - A whole new world
Disney Auctions - Stitch - Cupid - Valentine's Day 2003
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Jolly Roger Pirate Flag)
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Morph)
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Long John Silver)
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Doppler)
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (B.E.N.)
DC - Jim Hawkings - Treasure Planet - Boxed Set
Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Captain Amelia)
WDW - Brer Fox, Bear and Rabbit - Parti Gras 2003 - Framed Set
Disney Catalog - 101 Dalmatians Pin Set (Freckles)
Disney Catalog - Lucky - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Rolly - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Patch - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Sgt. Tibbs - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Thunderbolt TV - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Cruella - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Pongo - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Perdita - 101 Dalmatians
Disney Catalog - Pin Display Cabinet Medallion Pin (FAB 5)
DCL - Mickey, Minnie - Happy Valentine's Day 2003
WDW - Snow White and Dopey - Dopey Holding Pin of Himself - Mickey's Super Star Trading Team 2003
WDW - Briar Rose & Forest Friends Aurora - Mickey's Super Star Trading Team 2003
WDW - Alice, White Rabbit & Caterpillar - Mickey's Super Star Trading Team 2003
WDW - Cinderella, Jaq & Gus - Mickey's Super Star Trading Team 2003
Treasure Planet DVD Release (R.L.S. Legacy)
DL - Jingles - King Arthur Carousel Horse
WDW - Eeyore - AP - Dressed as Knight - Happy Halloween 2002
WDW - Minnie - AP - Dressed as Witch - Happy Halloween 2002