Tinker Bell - Name - Letter Set
WDW - Pluto - Epcot - Easter Character Hunt 2002
WDW - Daisy Duck - WDW Resort - Easter Character Hunt 2002
WDW - Mickey Mouse - MGM Studios - Easter Character Hunt 2002
WDW - Minnie Mouse - WDW Resort - Easter Character Hunt 2002
WDW - Chip & Dale - Downtown Disney Marketplace - Easter Character Hunt 2002
WDW - Donald Duck - Animal Kingdom - Easter Character Hunt 2002
12 Months of Magic - DVD Case (Hunchback of Notre Dame II)
DIS - Goofy - 12 Months of Magic - Movie Poster How to Swim
12 Months of Magic - Disney Building (Team Disney)
12 Months of Magic - April Fool's Day 2002 (Goofy Dressed As Mickey)
12 Months of Magic - Birthstone Pooh (Diamond/April)
DIS - Mad Hatter - April - 12 Months of Magic Calendar 2002
Disney Auctions - Minnie Mouse Easter 2002
Tinker Bell Letter ' T ' Name Pin
Lanyard - Mickey Head (USA Flag)
DCL - Ship Mates (Mickey & Minnie)
Planet Hollywood DLP Coke Purple Sorcerer Mickey
Planet Hollywood DLP Coke Green Tuxedo Mickey
Planet Hollywood DLP Coke Purple Tuxedo Mickey
Planet Hollywood DLP Coke Blue Tuxedo Mickey
DLP - Sourcerer Mickey - Planet Hollywood Mickey Coca-Cola (GreenRobe/Red Hat)
DIS - Black and White - Mickey - Store Location - San Francisco
WDW - Mickey & Pluto - Spring Break 2002 - Slider
WDW - Walt Disney and Mickey - Partners Statue - Cinderella Castle
Gladstone Gander Stick Pin Blue
Disney Gallery - Pooh's Adventure Framed Set
DLP - Aprils Fools Day 2002 (Goofy)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event Blind Auction Lot #1 (Whimsical Animals Framed Pin Set)
WDW - Mickey's Trade Parade Floats - AP - Framed Set
WDW - Animal Kingdom - AP - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - 100 Years of Magic Celebration Framed Pin Set
WDW - Animal Kingdom - AP - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - Countdown to 100 Years of Magic Framed Pin Set
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (King Abu & Iago Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (King Leonidas & Secretary Bird Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Lambert the Sheepish Lion Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Scar & Zazu Framed Pin Set)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Heave Hippoo-Ho Framed Pin Set)
WDW - Walt Disney and Dinosaur - With Walt - 2002 AK Pin-o-Rama
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event Artist Choice (Dinosaurs)
Animal Kingdom - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event (Primeval Whirl) Donald Duck