Disneyland 2000 Cast Member Pin
DLR - Disneyland Charter Member 2000 - Silver - Unreleased
Japan - Mickey and Minnie - Poster - Dines Cafe - JDS
Japan - Mickey and Minnie - Kissing - Dines Cafe - JDS
Japan - Mickey - Waitress - Dines Cafe - JDS
Japan - Mickey - Waiter - Dines Cafe - JDS
Japan - Little Mermaid - Theater Series #13 - JDS
Japan - Jungle Book - Theater Series #12 - JDS
JDS - How to Play Golf - Goofy - Movie Poster
JDS - The Art of Self Defense - Goofy - Movie Poster
Japan - Sweet Kisses Calendar 2003 - Framed Pin Set - JDS
Button - WDW - MNSSHP 2001
Present delivering Goofy - Version 4
Present delivering Goofy - Version 3
DLP - DL Paris - Mickey Security Officer CM
Euro Disneyland Pewter Standing Mickey Mouse
TRON 20th Anniversary Promotional Button
WDI Cast Member - Nightmare on Flower Street
UK - Peter Pan Plastic Pin/Brooch Series (Tick-Tock)
UK - Peter Pan Plastic Pin/Brooch Series (Peter Pan
UK - Peter Pan Plastic Pin/Brooch Series (Tinker Bell)
DLR - Haunted Mansion Memorable Scenes #2 (Let Me Out)
Button - WDW - 1st Disneyana 4 Inch Round 1992
1st Disneyana Oval Button 1992
1997 Disneyana Bad Girls Button
WDCC Shere Khan Sculpture Event Button
WDCC Cheshire Cat Button
WDCC 3 Caballeros Retirement Button
1992 Consumer Products Goofy Button with Ribbons
1997 Disneyana Convention Maleficent
Maleficent, Diablo - Button - Sleeping Beauty
Button - DLR - We're 45 Today - July 17 2000
the DS Salutes the 1st Disneyana Convention
Toy Story at the El Capitan Button
Button - DL - Dumbo 50th Anniversary Button
WDI - Reversable Imagineering Button (Halloween 1991)
Sandy Claws Nightmare Before Christmas Button
Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie Boogie Button
Nightmare Before Chrisatmas Logo Button-Jack on the Hill
Colorful Mayor Button from Nightmare Before Christmas