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12 Days of Christmas - Day 10

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This is the tenth round in our 12 Days of Christmas Q&A Game. For more info, click here.




Today, we have three questions. Feel free to answer as many as you'd like. You will receive a point added to your account for each of these that you complete, and if you post a picture in answer to #2 (showing this Christmas' dinner), you'll receive a bonus point!


1)How many miles did you travel this year to be with family/friends for Christmas?

2) Did you host "the Christmas dinner" this year, or someone else?

3) Do you typically have your dinner/gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or at another time altogether?


1)How many miles did you travel this year to be with family/friends for Christmas?


We live in a tiny box in the sky, so we travelled about 6 miles to celebrate at my parents' house, where we can have a tree and more space for my daughter to run around


Our travel holiday every year is Thanksgiving. That's when we drive to Michigan to spend time with family. 230 miles

2) Did you host "the Christmas dinner" this year, or someone else?


We hosted ourselves? It was a bit of a rough day for our over-stimulated, off-routine toddler.

3) Do you typically have your dinner/gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or at another time altogether?


Christmas morning

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We have three family Christmas parties that we go to each year, none of them are further than 40 miles from home, though.


My husband's aunt hosts the big extended family Christmas Eve dinner with a different theme every year.  They've been doing it my husband's entire life, every Christmas Eve, without fail.  I didn't take any photos of food, but I'll include one of the youngest generation acting out the nativity.  My mom hosts dinner on Christmas Day, but it's very casual.  Sandwiches and finger foods.  Then my in-laws host breakfast on Boxing Day, which is always biscuits and gravy.


Christmas Eve the kids get new pajamas from my in-laws, and everyone gets a small gift when Santa visits the big family party.  Our immediate family (husband & kids) opens presents on Christmas morning, my family on Christmas afternoon, husband's family on Boxing Day.  


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1. Zero

2. We hosted dinner.

3. Christmas Eve with friends, Christmas Day with family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Just a couple. Dad and Nana hosted just a couple miles across the same town. 

2. Dad and Nana hosted Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day we got to stay home.


3. Christmas Eve was always getting together with all the extended family, and usually the one holiday even the out of towners would come over for. Once we kids started hitting 18, not everyone always made the effort to come over anymore. Christmas Day was about whoever lived in the household and we’d do gifts from Santa in the morning and an early dinner. When my Disneyland pass had no blackouts I’d go to the park after dinner with the intention to see the fireworks and go home. Anything else I got to do was a bonus since it was usually busy haha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Points awarded! Have to say, we've done Christmas just the four of us at our home forever, so we drive zero miles. 🙂 Don't live anywhere near family, so Christmas for us has always been low-key.

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