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PP12051    Disneyland - 40 Years of Adventure - 40th Anniversary - 3 Pin Set

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This pin is one of the three pins in the Disneyland 40th Anniversary Pin Set #1885. It is the rectangle pin that reads 40 Years of Adventure.


Pins included are: #2504, #1885-Set, #12051, and #18892.

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5 Linked Pins

  1. Disneyland - 40th Anniversary - 3 Pin Set
  2. DLR - Walt Disney and Mickey - Partners Statue - 40th Anniversary - 3 Pin Set
  3. Walt Disney and Mickey - Partners Statue - Credit Union
  4. Disneyland - Castle - 40 Years of Adventure - 3 Pin Set
  5. DLR - Happiest Reunion on Earth July16, 1995 - 3 Pin Set
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